How can I prevent heart disease?

Coronary heart disease is epidemic in the Western world and it is still our single biggest killer. A heart attack is an unexpected disaster and appears to come out of the blue. But invisible internal changes have been paving the way to that heart attack since childhood.

Lowering LDL-cholesterol is a vital step. Don’t assume that you needn’t be concerned about your cholesterol because you’ve been told your level is ‘OK’. The average cholesterol level in the UK is far higher than it should be and most people living in the developed world would benefit from a better balance of blood fats.

But your cholesterol level is not a risk score; it’s one risk factor and there are lots of others. Fortunately, although you can’t change your sex, age or family history, there are lots of risk factors that you can reduce – or slash dramatically.

Dump Your Toxic Waist! Lose inches, beat diabetes and stop that heart attack! is full of ways that you can reduce your risk of heart disease – or even reverse heart disease and start unclogging your arteries.

We now understand that the metabolic syndrome underlies our Western epidemic of heart disease and if you follow the 28-day plan, you can shift toxic fat from your waist and send the metabolic syndrome into reverse.


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