Why is abdominal (visceral) fat so toxic?

Recent research has shown that visceral fat releases a number of toxins that sabotage your metabolism. Dubbed ‘adipokines’, these toxins explain why belly fat is so dangerous; they account for the link between abdominal obesity and the metabolic syndrome which can lead to strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, infertility and erection problems.

This discovery has staggering implications for the developed world. It explains why your waist circumference is such a good guide to your risk of death and disease – better than BMI, the standard measure of obesity used by doctors.

These toxins derange your metabolism, upsetting lipid balance, increasing inflammation and thrombosis (blood clots in the circulation), causing insulin resistance and raising blood pressure. Blood sugar goes to pot: blood sugar and insulin levels rise and more of that sugar is converted to fat, adding further to your pot belly – a truly vicious cycle!

If you have tried and failed to lose fat and gain energy, you are probably caught in the fat trap – a vicious cycle of metabolic malaise.

A low-fat, high carbohydrate diet can make some of these metabolic changes worse. The 28-day plan has been designed to break the vicious cycle, dump toxic abdominal fat and send metabolic syndrome into reverse.


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